I reset my iTunes play counts a few times (trying to fix something fucky about my iPod but it didn’t work so DAMNIT WHAT A WASTE) over the past while, as well as reset my last.fm on May 10th (I didn’t like that my top songs were Resonant Blue and Edo because I rarely listen to them anymore :P)

And as I’ve stated, Perfume is definitely moving up in my music ranks. (*coughnumberonecough*)
It’s a bit depressing to see that change reflected in my music stats.

iTunes as of today:

itunes play counts on june 13 2009

(I’d recommend viewing it at full size XD)

last.fm as of today:

lastfm top artists on june 13 2009

(my username is wendehbird if you wanna look me up.)

I think part of it is that I listen to Perfume when I do my homework because it oddly keeps me focused. And now I’m out of school. So maybe MM will earn more plays over the summer. 😮 But then again… when my copy of Triangle comes… XD

So to finish this screenshot post off,

have an unrelated (yet related) screenshot:
